Cult of Free Inquiry declares War on Social Relativism.

Why The Cult of Free Inquiry needs to be established. 
 A Commentary has been written on the principles listed above. 
The Bulk of the Wealth of Humanity is intangible, informational, and cultural.
The value of  Art.
The Cult of Free Inquiry declares war on social relativism
The Cult of Free Inquiry is fanatically tolerant
The end point of  decadence.
"In your opinion" is not a refutation.
The Cult of Free Inquiry endorses strong, unescrowed, encryption
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What is Social Relativism?

Over simplifying, we may say that relativism is the view that truth is split. The cult has no problem with this. Let the advocates of relativism support the idea that truth is split with strong facts and arguments. Social relativism is the view that regardless of whether truth is in fact split, we must pretend that it is, in order to have social peace. The hallmark of social relativism is the words "in your opinion". The phrase is used to dismiss any assertion that makes someone uncomfortable without having to address the specific facts and arguments that may support that assertion. Social relativism pretends that all assertions are equal, so there is no point in trying to determine which assertions are true, especially if an assertion makes someone uncomfortable or threatens their "self-esteem". Social relativists abandon the search for truth because they do not believe that disputes can be addressed in a civilized manner. 

Is the War on Social Relativism consistent with Cult Principles?

You may ask: 
Is not a war on social relativism inconsistent with the cult's Draft Fundamental Principle number three which clearly states: 
Peaceful discussion and debate between different, even contradictory points of view has often resulted in an advance in knowledge. Suppression of unwanted assertions has often hampered the advance of knowledge. Declarative questions must not be solved by an appeal to force.
Answer: It is very clever of you to ask that! 

We the members of the Cult of Free Inquiry, intend to utterly destroy social relativism. The intellectual positions of social relativism will be totally desolate, so that no self respecting person will ever want to accept social relativism again! To this end, we intend to effectively use the most powerful weapons known. We are not going to fool around with such toys like nuclear weapons or bacteria. Instead, we will employ confirmed fact, and sound argument! The use of these weapons is not inconsistent with cult principles. 

Great is Truth, and none who are sincere need fear Her.

Cult of Free Inquiry Draft Fundamental Principles
  • Representations of truth and beauty have value.
  • The creation and spread of such representations does take place in social context. Common decency is needed to provide a favorable social context. However, unsound social justifications of false assertions should not be accepted as truth.
  • Peaceful discussion and debate between different, even contradictory points of view has often resulted in an advance in knowledge. Suppression of unwanted assertions has often hampered the advance of knowledge. Declarative questions must not be solved by an appeal to force.